Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cost Per Pint

I have had issues with time and money for brewing lately. All that I've had going on is waiting for the Vanilla Stout to fully carbonate so we can enjoy this beer. After this weekend I should be able to brew again (PLEASE). In the meantime, I have wasted some time and come up with a new little feature for the blog.

On the left there is a new box that will now hold my current cost per pint. I will never post how much I've actually spent because that could get me in trouble down the road. I am keeping the total to myself, but sharing this will be fun. Although it isn't my focus or reason for brewing, it shouldn't be hard to stay below the $4 or $5 they charge at the bars (as long as I never buy any really big toys). It is just an interesting thing to track.

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