After a brewless May, I got back to it tonight with
Edwort's Haus Pale Ale. At least it was close to Edwort's creation. I tweaked things due to the amount I could buy at the LHBS. For example, I tweaked the hops to use the whole ounce I bought so I didn't have to hold on to a quarter of an ounce. Here is what I ended up with for my 2.5 gallon batch:
- 3 lb golden light LME
- 1 lb munich LME
- 6 oz crystal 10 - steeped
- 0.5 oz Cascade - 60 min.
- 0.3 oz Cascade - 30 min.
- 0.1 oz Cascade - 15 min.
- 0.1 oz Cascade - 5 min.
- Nottingham yeast
I'm pretty sure that keeping the last two hop addition separate was pointless given how small they were. I have high hopes for this beer though. All told it only cost about $13 for the ingredients so it would be a welcome addition to the steady lineup. The low cost of this brew should let me get another one in this month.
Overall, the brew went very smoothly. I did forget to take an OG reading. I am really bad about that. I get so focused on having the fermenter sanitized and everything clean that I don't remember until a couple hours later. I need to mark on my fermenters to remind me to take the reading.